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Friday, April 8, 2011





Wajah Tampil Segar & Awet Muda Di Samping Mencipta Aura Di Wajah


RM69.00 (SM) RM75.00 (SS) 
Berat bersih:40g

Alami Perubahan Wajah Hanya Beberapa Minit...

Wajah Adalah Mahkota Diri Yang Amat Berharga Kebersihan Kulit Wajah Amat Penting Agar Wajah Halus, Cerah, Gebu & Berseri Bersinar Seperti Kilauan Emas.

Bertindak sebagai antipenuaan semasa membersih wajah agar berseri dan bersinar.
Sabun kecantikan wajah membantu mengatasi masalah kedutan serta mengimbangi ton warna kulit agar menjadi lebih anjal, lembut, cerah dan gebu tanpa suntikan.



RM88.00 (SM) RM91.00 (SS) 
(15 Sachet)

1 SKOP KOLAGEN TULEN=10 kolagen(10,000gm) memperlihatkan 2 MINGGU KESAN pengambilan produk kerana ianya adalah kolagen tulen yang tertinggi dipasaran.

13 Kebaikan IZ Pure Collagen
1. Menjadikan kulit anjal, tegang.
2. Mengurangkan garis halus dan kedutan.
3. Warna kulit seimbang.
4. Kulit bersinar, cerah dan mudah.
5. Memperbaiki sel badan.
6. Melawan Radikal bebas
7 .Megurangkan pigmentasi.
8 .Memutihkan kulit
9. Kulit lembab.
10. Kulit halus dan licin
11.Mengurangkan masalah joint spt inflamasi, sakit.
12.Tulang & gigi menjadi aktif & sihat.
13.Pertumbuhan rambut & kuku yg sihat.

Pengambilan sehari
Ini telah dibktikan bahawa pengambilan 10g kolagen tlen sehari boleh mencapai kesihatan dari segi kulit, joint & tulang.



RM88.00 (SM) RM91.00 (SS)
 (25 Sachet)

IZ FIBER "KING OF FRUIT" EPAL FIBER mengandungi pectin tinggi ia membantu membuang kolestrol dan lemak yang tidak diperlukan sebelum lemak diserap ke dalam badan. Membantu mencuci & mengawal fungsi usus, menangani masalah sembelit (pembuangan lawas tanpa cirit birit).

Kebaikan mengambil Fiber.
1.mengawal paras kolestrol secara semula jadi. Epal Fiber mengandungi pectin tinggi , ia bergabung dengan kolestrol & membuang lemak tak baik sblm lemak diserap kedlm badan.
2. Mengawal paras glukos darah, menghalang naik turun paras glukos secara tiba-tiba.
3. Megekalkan tekanan darah tinggi.
4.Mengelak sembelit.
5.Menyelesaikan ketidakselesaan masalah sendi dgn meneutralkan kristal asid.

Cara Mudah Pengambilan.
-Bancuh dan goncang dgn air sejuk biasa & diminum selepas makan.



RM68.00 (SM) RM72.00 (SS) 
(25 Sachet)

Apple Ekstrak
Bukti menunjukkan buah-buahan yang tinggi serat & phytochemical termasuk felonat, flavonoid & karotenoid dpt menurunkan risiko penyakit kronik, spt penyakit jantung & kanser serta dpt membantu mengurangkan kolestrol.

Kebaikan Apple Ekstrak
-Apple merupakan smber yg kaya flavonoid dan polyphenol, kedua-duanya ada anti-
  oksidan kuat.
-Apple mengadungi bnyk mineral & vitamin yg dpt memperkuat pengaliran darah.
-Apple mengandungi asid malat dan acid tartari, yg dpt membantu pencernaan.
-Kulit Apple mengandungi pectin yg dpt membantu membuang toksid dari tubuh.
- Dapat menurunkan kolestrol.

Citrus Aurantium
-meningkatkan metabolisme dan pengeluaran kalori.
-mengurangkan berat badan & mempercepatkan pembakaran lemak berlebihan.
-membantu sistem pencernaan.

Adalah teh herba yg hanya tumbuh di dataran tinggi Afrika Selatan. Ia berasal dari tanaman Aspalathus linearis. Ia mengandungi antioksidan yg tinggi. Rooibos mengadungi vitamin C & mineral yg tinggi. Mineral adalah spt Zinc, Mangan AlphA-hydroxy(bagus untuk kulit)


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cadar 100% Cotton dari China


Tips and techniques for a great paint job - panduan mengecat

tips and techniques for a great paint job - panduan mengecat

A room looks wonderful with a fresh coat of paint. But if you have a "Love-Hate" relationship with painting, you'll want to read our tips on getting a great finished product. You might even enjoy the project as much as the finished product!
Start Out Right
  • You'll enjoy the job more if you get everything together at the start. Organize a tool station in the middle of the area you'll be working in. Gather together your paint, brushes, rollers, hammers, screwdrivers, plastic bags, plastic wrap, rags, paint can opener, and drop cloths.

Plan a Day for Prep
  • Don't try to get everything done in one day. Use the day before painting day to gather furniture in the center of the room, patch cracks and holes, put blue painter's tape around doors and windows, and cover wall and ceiling light fixtures (light bulbs removed, of course!) with large plastic bags.
Clear the Decks
  • If you can, clear out all the furniture and accessories. Take everything off the walls. If you can't move everything out, place the furniture and lamps in the middle of the room and cover them with a good drop cloth. Be sure that you tape the cloth around the furniture. Then put a second cover of plastic or old sheet over everything.
Remove All Hardware
  • It may seem easier to paint around door knobs or cabinet hinges, but unless you're a professional, very experienced painter, you're bound to get drips around. So carry around some zip top bags and remove all cabinet knobs and hinges, door knobs, light switch plates and outlet covers, and light fixtures. Place the pieces together in separate bags and clearly mark the contents and location (top left cabinet, bathroom door, etc) you took them from. This is a great time to clean the hardware! Put them back when you're done painting.
Get Yourself Ready
  • No matter how hard you try, you're bound to get drips (or more) of paint on whatever you're wearing. So take off all jewelry. Reserve some old, but comfortable, clothes for your painting jobs. Slip-on shoes are easy to take off if you need to leave the room. You won't have to worry about tracking drops of paint into other rooms. When you paint the ceiling, put a scarf, shower cap, or old baseball hat over your hair and some plastic over your eyeglasses.
Don't Paint Over Problem Walls
  • If your walls have holes or cracks, fix them before you start with the paint. Any home center or paint store has knowledgeable personnel to guide you to the best products for the job. Wide cracks and large holes can be "bridged" with fiberglass tape, spackle will fill small holes and cracks, and texturizing products are available to match your existing wall finish.